So, it's Friday...and it's summer hours at work, so I got home by 2pm. The weather here has been intolerably hot, way into the 100's all week. We are going to a barbecue tomorrow, it's going to be hot, but it'll be fun. My first week at work was good, and training has been pretty intense. My supervisor showed me all the knicks and crannies of our systems and reports. A little complicated, but with time, I'll get used to them. L'Oreal is a great company thus far, with an amazing load of benefits. I do feel a little out of the loop with the whole NYC thing. Now that I'm a mom, it's very different. The VP and Director of my department are in their early 40's, married only for 3 years and don't have any children. I mean, they were shocked when they found out that I was a mommy. They had the look. It's so rare to be a mommy so young here. I can tell it's going to be a challenge for me...they will not understand why i can't work late all the time and such. Yikes! God's really showing me how precious Jaden treasured our kiddies are. I know if I tried really, really hard, I can be a full-time stay at home mom, teaching the alphabet, showing them how to do crafts and such, but things like that are hard for me on a daily basis. I tried it for 2 years. The reasons for me working, isn't b/c I want a lifestyle where I can buy anything, keep up with the Jones', run in the rat race, or that I'm building my value/identity in performance. God's worked thru those issues and is continuing to. I just enjoy work...I believe it can be that simple. Seriously, I don't believe that I worked at Chanel or even now at L'Oreal, these top companies on my own merit. I firmly believe God wants to use me as a vessel for women and beauty. A training ground. We'll see. God has been really good and it's deeply left me thankful and humbled. Through work, Won met a Christian woman, Shaunice, who has 2 children and is a full-time working mom. She invited us to a barbecue and I was able to chat with her and she has been an incredible blessing and someone who I can relate to. Right now, at our church, we have been going through a series on intimacy with the Lord. Our pastor really feels that we should always delve deeper in intimacy, being honest. Along with this, he spoke on slander/power of the tongue especially again each other in Christ. We should instead learn and practice and renew our mindsets to be genuinely happy for one another. Have a sound mind...our lives all look different, learn similar lessons through different circumstances, BE GOOD and HAPPY for each other. Gal 5: 25 writes, "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Why is that so hard in the church?
So, if I had hurt anybody through my words, gossip and actions...FORGIVE ME. Please tell me too. I am in the continuing process of maturing and coming to the light of Christ. As I look back or as God continues "grow" me, I realize how dense I am sometimes. Just like an artist, God defines the very lines of my profile, etching my mindset, and repolishing my character. I've always felt that one of my quests in life is this: 1 Thess. 11-12, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."
Well, it turns out Jaden is doing relatively well at daycare. The first day was a bit rough...crying spells her and there, but he perservered. Then, the crying became less and less. He plays, paints, glues, draws, reads books and goes out walking. He is in a classroom of only 5 other kids his age..he's the youngest though. Miss Annette, his teacher, has a lovely British accent and fills out a very detailed sheet of his daily schedule. Plus, they offer lunch! Thanks for the prayers everyone!
Now that I've started work, the idea of an attempt to penetrate into the world of working mom seems more overwhelming. But, a compelling desire to infiltrate the NYC pulls me closer to its midst. So, pray for me!
Here's a recent pic of my little booger. Enjoy.