Friday, January 06, 2006

Tagged again

Tagged again by E. I love these!

The Rules: Write an Blog entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures.
In the end you need to choose
five people to be tagged and list their names.

1. JEANS... I love jeans especially designer jeans...Seven's, Paper Denim, Citizens of Humanity, Chip & Pepper, etc.

2. SUSHI... My favorite food of all. It's low-fat, healthy, and so good!

3. THEATER... NYC is the mecca of performing arts. I would love to go see an Opera, a ballet, Broadway shows, plays, and etc. more often... but tickets are really expensive!

4. FACIALS & MASSAGES... The SPA, that's all I need to say!

5. VUEVE CLIQUOT Champagne... Weird, but I'm really not into alcoholic beverages since my tolerance level is somewhat non-existent, but when I take a glass of this particular champagne, I'm fine.


Anyways, I love the picture of Won and me below. It's been a while since we've taken a photo together!


Anonymous said...

you guys look great. it makes me miss stL. did you get a haircut? very pretty! -sarah

mommy zabs said...

1. great photo, you guys look great. isn't it funny how when kids come you never take pics together anymore!

2. the spa!!! Ah i should have had that on mine to.

Mommynurse said...

I guess I've been tagged-I will get right on that :) That's a great picture of you guys. I'm glad you had a great Christmas.